Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Terpeak Review

Welcome to 2009.. this is usually a time when we like to reflect. What are our goals for the new year..you know general stuff.

With all the doom and gloom out there you may wonder if there is any hope for us with the chicken littles of the world proclaiming the apocolypse.

Well don;t know ablut that..but if you are in business, especially retail, which ahs got to be one of the hardest industries..then I may have a solution to your problems.

Lets say what are the biggest issues in your business:

What do customers want?
How much are they willing to pay for it?
How are the best sellers in the industry doing it?

I have the answer & no it does not involve any tyoe of Watergate break in..

or James Bond kind of surveilance..

the answer is : Terapeak. See also the post below to get a handle on what its about. It is THE resource for ebay sellers & they have added new features. You can view hot topics-meaning the top products people are looking for, the prices they are paying for & how they are doing it.

It is a little pricey, however if used diligently will pay massive dividends for you within months.

So if you want certainty in an uncertain world have a go at Terapeak.

Click below to have a run through on the free resources available

Research your competition

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